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Candle Making Experience

Save - $-40.00
  • $40.00


The Candle Making Experience includes all of the materials needed during the class, plus your very own candle to take home afterward. During the workshop, you will get to pick your fragrance and your vessel, and then the instructor will guide you step by step on how to make your candle! 

LOCATION: We Travel to You
DURATION: 2 hours

Classes typically last an hour to 1.5 hours. Once the class is done, the candles take about 45 minutes to set enough for you to take them home.


Reservations made within 72 hours (3 days) of the scheduled class do not qualify for a refund. We offer guests full refunds for cancellations made at least 4 days prior to their scheduled workshop. If a guest needs to cancel within 72 hours (3 days) of their booked class a refund will not be issued. Instead, we will allow a guest, a 1 time reschedule. If a guest fails to call or contact us for a canceled reservation (no call, no show) this reservation is automatically forfeited. If a guest is unsure of a reschedule date a credit will be issued. When a customer reschedules or is given a credit, this action automatically makes the reservation ineligible for a refund. Guests are not permitted to reschedule their reservation more than once. A guest must reschedule or use their credit within 3 months of the original time booked.


Due to safety measures, we recommend an age of 10 years or older to participate in the class. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian signature. To ensure everyone’s safety, we can not allow children under the age of 10 in the workshop area.